Perseverance. This word is defined (by dictionary.com) as: steady
persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite
of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
Ever had one of
those days/weeks/months/years where it just seems like (or feels like) everything
that could go wrong has gone wrong???
Ever had that moment just when everything seems to be going to
plan (your plan, not God’s), and in one fail swoop, everything just
seems to crumble at your feet???
Some days, it is like wonderful progress (3 steps
forward). Others, you wonder why you
even bothered to get out of bed (4 steps back).
To reach certain goals, it is almost like being in the middle of a 3-ring circus. Some days, you feel like the tiger being forced to jump through hoop after hoop after asinine hoop. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they decide to light some of the smaller hoops on fire. Other days, you feel like you are walking on a tightrope………one tiny slip and *poof*. The distance across from the ground looks manageable and easy, but once you get right up to it…….it becomes a million miles long and nearly impossible.
That is how life
seems at times…….at least to me.
Reaching, striving, and fighting to reach the goal(s) I have set for
myself. At times getting angry, crying (a
lot), and becoming so frustrated that I simply want to say %#^& you and
give up. The idea of “Press(ing) on”
seemed completely unreasonable as I felt a particular goal would never be
met. The harder it became to reach a
goal, the more I seemed to demand/take control over it. The “Give it to God.” philosophy was all but
out the window, because things weren’t happening according to “schedule”…….and
we all know how much I love those.

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