Sunday, September 2, 2012

Counting Blessings and Changes

I apologize for not getting anything posted last week.  It was a VERY busy time in our little household.  I started a new job, DH was preparing for another year of high school seniors, DD was starting 7th grade, DS1 was starting 4th grade, and DS2 was starting 2nd grade.  To say that my type A OCD personality was in a bit of self-induced chaos was an understatement.  Honestly, you would think that I would learn from my past self-induced freak-outs………but doesn’t seem likely, even under sedation.

Please take a moment and play the song below. It is a beautiful song, and I love this cover the best!
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.  Romans 8:28

Reflect on your present blessings of which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. Charles Dickens

Well, my new job is a HUGE blessing for my family.  I am very excited to finally be working in the largest medical center in the world.  While my other jobs have brought learning experiences and a paycheck, this is something that I have been wishing for……for a long time.  It is still something I am adjusting to as it was less than a month ago that I had that interview and was offered the job later that day.  It is a change that I am still adjusting to.

One blessing (besides the added/larger paycheck) is that sweet DH has the ability to quit his weekend job.  This is our first full weekend as a family together in quite a while.  I have to say that it is nice to know that I have “back-up” for those moments when one (or all 3, or some combination of) child(ren) decide they are going to test boundaries or are rude and disrespectful.  This is another change that I am going to have to adjust to.  I am going to have to remember that DH is a great parent too……and even though my type A personality says that I must be in charge or everything and everyone, I will have to defer to him and show to support to DH and his decisions.

My sweet sweet DS2 is my little cuddle bug.  He loves to be attached to my left side as much as possible… fact he demands it.  He has made it clear that he does not like the fact that I have a job.  He wants “my mommy” (as if I did not birth his older siblings) to bring him to school, pick him up, make his snacks, help him with his homework, and cuddle with him as much as possible.  Of all three of my kiddos, he will be the one with the hardest adjustment. L

Knowing me, I will just have to remember to take the time and count these blessings.  We all know how much I can dislike change, especially when that change messes with my schedule and routine.  I have a feeling there will be those moments I will be too busy counting the changes to even see the blessings right before me.  Hopefully there will be those around me will remind me to stop and appreciate the blessings staring me.

May God grant you always...A sunbeam to warm you, a moonbeam to charm you, a sheltering Angel so nothing can harm you. Laughter to cheer you. Faithful friends near you. And whenever you pray, Heaven to hear you.