Saturday, July 28, 2012

First Posting -Mom, what is grace? 28 July 2012

I don't know about many of you, but right now things have gotten hard.  It almost seems like everything is about ready to fall apart.  Finances are tough.  Relationships are tested.  Children act up/out.  Things break and fall apart.  Politics are crazy and dirtier than ever.  We lose people we love.  Living day to day with a positive attitude can seem almost impossible. 

Sometimes, it is easy to feel overwhelmed

Sometimes, it is easy to get sad and feel alone.

Sometimes, it is easy to get angry and want to give up.

Sometimes, it is easy for us to forget that God is there.

It sometimes it is too easy to forget that no matter our troubles we are covered by God's grace.  Grace can be defined as: generosity of spirit, gift of God to humankind, and freedom from sin.  More often, we tend to forget that we are supposed to show grace to others.......our spouses, our children, our parents, our siblings, and to all those we meet.   

As a busy mom and wife, sometimes I feel have little time......or show my family grace.  I simply want results and am not always willing to show people kindness, kindliness, decency, favor, mercy, mercifulness, charity, benevolence, clemency, leniency, or reprieve.  Isn't it funny that we forget how much we hurt when we are not shown grace when we are dealing with others. 

I hope that by showing others {more importantly FAMILY} grace I will be able to recieve grace from others.  Hopefully, I will be able to show my children what grace is.